The Wizard of Oz (RSC 1987) - November 04 - November 05, 2022

Central High School

 End Notes 

Director's Note


There’s No Place Like Home... whether it is one’s actual home, the CHS Auditorium/Theater Family, or another special place that a person feels safe, comfortable, and cared for, we all have an innate need and desire to feel loved and cared for. The Wizard of Oz helps to remind us that we all have people and places that care for us and represent a safe space for us to think, feel, create, and experience life.  
We want the students in our cast, crew, and orchestra to know that we care about their health, safety, and wellbeing. We want them to know how much we care about them. We want success for them not only in this show, but in their lives at CHS and all their future endeavors.  
It has been an exciting process of working with the cast, crew, and orchestra for our production of WOZ in the CHS auditorium
The cast, crew, and orchestra have spent countless hours learning lines, dances, songs; playing music; preparing the sound, lights, scenery, props, rigging, costumes, makeup, special effects, and publicizing the show. We have ALL worked so hard to prepare for this show.  
The show is, in part, a success thanks to the parents who donated props, food, water, and time. Thanks to our CHS administration for their support of our show. Thanks to Deb Massey Schneweis, our choreographer, for her return to CHS and dedication to our students. Special thanks to Ernie Gubbels and Tom Bertino, our resident technical artists, for their time, expertise, and commitment to the CHS Tech Theater Program
We’ve had exceptional alumni come back to help us produce our show. Thank you to Remy Lupo, Devan Brichacek, and Pierce Bonacci-Johnson for sharing your technical theater knowledge and helping with various technical aspects of the show. We appreciate our alums! 
We thank you for attending our show and appreciate your support of young people in the performing arts at Omaha Central High School
Sit back, relax and enjoy our production of
The Wizard of Oz
Scott Mead

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