The Harlequin Club would like to thank:
Addisan Arbogast & Ellie Kuhnle
Mr. Neil Delson
Ms. Abigail Marchione
Mr. Jonathan Taylor
Mr. Jim Braun
Pete Safran
Tom Watson
Andrew Greenberg (Class of 2013)
Jessica Briggs Photography
Music Mountain Theater
Ryan Rose
Ava Elder
Matt Patras
All the PARENTS and friends
who helped with props, sets, fundraising, events, and more!
We couldn't possibly do it without you!
Thank you to our Patrons for their generous support and helping us
"Pay the Rent"
The Bruner-Biedermann Family
CB Cares
The Patras Family
The Pozderec Family
The Central Bucks School Board:
Dana Hunter, Sharon Collopy, Mariam Mahmud, Karen Smith, Jim Pepper,
Tabitha Dell'Angelo, Lisa Sciscio, Debra T. Cannon and Leigh Vlasblom
The Central Bucks High School West Administration:
Mr. Lyndell Davis, Principal
Mr. Todd Cantrell, Sophomore House Principal
Mr. Frank Pustay, Junior House Principal
Mrs. Helen Zaleski, Senior House Principal
Mrs. Suzanne Stahl, Mrs. Regina Bertman, Mrs. Marci Banks and
Mrs. Jeanette Viniarski
Mr. David Fellman and the Custodial Staff of CB West