When I got hired on as the new theatre director at Centennial High School seven weeks ago, I was thrown into a world of firsts. This was the first time that I was hired mid-year, which has its own set of unique challenges and obstacles to overcome. However, I was open to the challenge and I am so blessed to be here. When I first met this group of students on January 10, I was nervous, they were nervous, but it did not take long for me to realize that these students were going to change my perception of the theatre and my life forever.
In The Heights is a musical theatre production that speaks to this generation with its multilayered musical genres of hip-hop, rap, and multiple styles of Latin music. The characters are a multi-generational, multi-cultural group of immigrants trying to find their way in a new place. While the running joke is that I did not pick this show, the more that I submersed myself into the story, the more I realized that it’s not about the humor and innunendos. It’s about finding yourself, overcoming obstacles, and realizing that home is not necessarily a place, but the people that you are with.
In The Heights rests on one central idea: through close knit bonds and a little ingenuity, any obstacle life throws at you can be overcome. This is a story of not only paying homage to your roots, but redefining your roots in a city as alive as New York and a country as unique as America. This musical highlights the best in what we profess to believe: that it is possible to tell an intimate story that our diverse community at Centennial can identify with, regardless of their own culture or race.
Much like the characters in the show, these students have had to overcome the obstacles associated with the changes in the department this year. Change is difficult for people and everybody deals with change differently. However, these student have embraced the change, whilst at times quite difficult, and have given themselves to their roles and to this program with their whole heart. For that, all I can say is thank you.
Admittedly, this production is not for the faint of heart; it is physically, creatively, and emotionally demanding, but this truly talented group of young men and women rose to these challenges and demands with decorum, professionalism, and above all- open and honest hearts. You are about to see the fruits of these labors and that extraordinary courage come alive on stage.
Enjoy the show!
Brandon Hamilton