Joshua Adamany
Joshua is a junior, a first year Off Bookie, and one Star Thespian. He’s worked backstage on previous shows like Chicago, Into the Woods, and Getting Sara Married and is very excited to be onstage in this year’s Lit to Life. He hopes you enjoy the show.
Parker Baro
Parker is a junior in Off Book, One Star Thespian, and is very excited to act in this year’s Literature to Life. He has been onstage at CHS in Into the Woods (Narrator) and Getting Sara Married (Brandon). Parker would like to thank his family and friends for all the support and hopes you enjoy the show!
Lexi Boles
Lexi is a junior and first year Off Bookie. This is also her first year at CHS. Lexi has been extremely involved in theatre and choir and aspires to be a performer when she graduates college. Her past productions include Beauty and the Beast (Silly Girl), Sweeney Todd (Ensemble), Alice in Wonderland (Alice), and Into the Woods (Lucinda).
Sam Cleaves
Sam is a junior at Celebration High School and a first year member of Off Book Productions. He’s worked on Getting Sara Married and is very happy about being onstage in Lit to Life. He would like to thank all his friends and family for support and hopes everyone likes the show.
Ella Cruz
Ella is a junior and first year member of Off Book Productions. She is also a CHS choir member, One Star Thespian, and historian for the Thespian Troupe 5913. Her previous shows include Into the Woods (Little Red) and Getting Sara Married. She is honored to be working audio for this year’s Literature to Life and hopes everyone loves the show!