Special Thank You's to...
James Rode, for being such a fantastic music director as well as always being there when I need a diet coke, a lesson plan, or a good laugh.
Sara Barnes, for joining our staff and making us a fantastic triple threat!
Clay Price, for jumping head first into Sibelius 7 and finishing off our tracks for the show.
Christopher Camp, for always being there for me and for building (and altering) yet another wonderful set.
Mark Colvin, for dance towers, Big Bertha, and the countless hours lighting this show.
Jim Walker, for sending that second email and then costuming the whole show.
Alan Goldman, for helping with the set
Julie Darr & Debbie McDonald, for being outstanding “Drama Mamas”
Beverly Munn, for all those fantastic 1920's hairstyles
Laura Rhinehart & the CHS Admin Team, for your never ending support
Lori McElroy, for all those last minute PO requests!
Tracey Model, for an fantastic period newspaper
Kelly Cotton, for handling first lunch ticket sales every day
Betsey Larson, for such great coverage on TV25
The Cast & Crew of Chicago, for all your dedication, long hours, and hard work!
And to Frank Mathews, for being my angel of music – I love you and miss you.
~Barbara Bowers-Camp