Jerry Blake
Jerry Blake is a native Austinite and a graduate of the University of Texas in Austin. Ms. Blake enjoys spending time with family, reading, gardening, walking in the woods, and going to plays. She loves sports and is a loyal Longhorn fan. After working as a teacher and coach for several years, Ms. Blake decided to stay home while her two sons were young, but returned to teaching in LISD in 1996. She is currently in her 15th year at CPHS as Artistic Director and Department Head of the Theatre Arts Program. Each school year, the CPHS Theatre Department produces one or more musicals for the school and community. Ms. Blake had developed and added new programs to the theatre traditions at CHPS, such as the Black Box Musical, Selected Shorts, National Shakespeare Contest, Disney Showcase, and more. Ms. Blake is proud to sponsor the CPHS International Tespian Society Troupe, which operates the successful youth theatre program for K-6 students in the summer, and other community projects.
Lisa Raymond
Technical Director
This is Lisa Raymond’s second year as the technical director for the CPHS Theatre Arts Department. She is a native of Austin and a graduate of St. Edward's University. She enjoys drawing, graphic design, painting, bicycling, and any activity that fosters creativity. Before graduating from St. Edward’s University she worked as a professional free-lance theatre/film makeup artist in Austin, TX. She enjoys working with the students on their designs and is a firm believer in the idea that the students need to take ownership of their shows. She enjoys working with the students in UIL One-Act Play Competition as well as guiding her students throughout the process of the UIL Theatrical Design Competition. She would like to take this time to thank her family for their loving support throughout the years. Mom, Dad, Julie, Tony, Skyler, Andrew, Louie, Addy and L.J. for all their love and sacrifices they’ve made for me to be where I am today.