Anne of Green Gables (Robinette) - December 17 - December 19, 2020

Cascade Community Theatre

 End Notes 

Director's Notes


If 2020 has taught us nothing else, it reinforces our firm and tangible need for connection. Whether through a screen, 6 feet apart and masked, or through a nursing home windows, we all need connection to survive. It feeds our sanity, creativity, and our stamina for endless Zoom calls that could have been an email.  


Author Lucy Maud Montgomery did not need to live through 2020 to know the importance of feeling part of something bigger than yourself, a family, a friend group, a community. Anne’s search for a family and home, a “bosom” friend, and belonging is one that resonates in us all. But aren’t there more in this story searching for belonging and a home? I think there are just a few characters in need of someone who truly understands them.  


We are on a brave new frontier. While there is a vaccine currently being deployed, we are all forever changed, as are the arts. How do we move forward? When is it safe? Is this our new normal? If it is, even for a relatively short time, I will forever be grateful to Cascade Community Theatre and the AMAZING cast and crew of Anne of Green Gables for their bravery to step into this unknown format wholeheartedly. Through technology issues, costume hunts, and sitting in front of the computer for more hours than they already do, there are no greater sports than this team. I have constantly been amazed by the talent, flexibility, and passion they display. 


I could thank each and every member of the cast and crew for a thousand things but especially need to highlight my incredible producer (/stage manager/co-editor/co-creator), Martha Schuler. I am so thankful to call you a bosom friend; there is no one I would rather create new things with! Thank you, Terri, for stepping into all the roles we needed you in, Angel and Jackie for taming the OBS beast, and the CCT board for letting us try something new. Grace, thank you for always saying yes from the very beginning and giving me “more” EVERY time. And biggest of all, thank you to my loving and endlessly supportive husband and Mom2, Jefe and SueEllen, I TRULY could not have done this without you. Thank you for making space for me to find myself again after becoming “Mama”. This is all for you, Pumpkin Seed.  


Enjoy the show! 

Cyndil Davis, Director 

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