Anne of Green Gables (Robinette) - December 17 - December 19, 2020

Cascade Community Theatre
Cascade Community Theatre
L.M. Montgomery's 
Dramatized by
Joseph Robinette


 Jasmine Bodis

Melia Mills

Nicolette Natividad

Aleea Piel

Noah Griffin

Jacob Weaver

Jeremiah Deaquino

Olivia Eyer

Grace Gentile

Erin Carter

Thomas A. Glass

 Rosemary Herold

Vanessa Dewey

Marleye Hernandez

Emma Atkinson

Andrew Sprute

Aubrey Halifax

Calvin Beekman

Jermaine-Ann Jasa

Tony Schuler

Seth Mullinnex

Lexi Schuler

Krista Cassidy




Martha Schuler


Production Techs

Jacqueline Pipinich

Angel Pipinich


Asst. Stage Manager

Angel Pipinich



Technical Director

Trish Putnum

Martha Schuler



Joe Allan Muharsky

Graphic Designer

Terri Muharsky


Post Production

Cyndil Davis

Martha Schuler

Terri Muharsky

Paul Taylor

Joe Allan Muharsky

Directed by

Cyndil Davis


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