This year's production combined the unique and varied talents of over half of the Calvary high school students, staff and parents. We would like to say a very special thank you to the following:
Calvary Christian School - student body, staff, administration - for their continued encouragement and support of the arts.
The parents and teachers of the ensemble for their support and understanding of the huge commitment necessary to make this production happen.
The entire custodial staff for their help and VAST patience!
Robert & Andrea Wells, Nick & Tracey Wilke, Brian Painter, Thom & Kristy Craven for going above and beyond the call of duty with sets and costumes
The many people who contributed dresses and props
Lisa Hatfield...for her unending energy and sweet spirit - and a helping hand in EVERY area of the show!
Katrina Bowers, Carol Ray, and Calvary Baptist Church
Jay Faulkner for many hours of techincal expertise and advice
All of the play week teachers for putting up with us!
FACES of Hope Ministry
Our Corporate and Family Sponsors
...we couldn't do this without all of you!