HIT THE WALL - April 02 - April 05, 2025

CUNY Queensborough Community College


Queensborough offers the only National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST) accredited Theatre A.S. degree in New York State.


At Queensborough, we prepare students intending to transfer, upon graduation, to Liberal Arts B.A. or B.S. Theatre degree programs; and possess articulation transfer agreements with select B.F.A. programs.


We produce a fully staged work of Theatre each semester, providing students the ability to work as artists in a professional setting. Upon completion of our degree program, graduates will be prepared to:

     I. Engage in the creation & execution of works of Theatre,

    II. Analyze plays perceptively,

   III. Identify a broad selection of Theatre repertory,

   IV. Develop & defend informed responses to Theatre.


If you would like more information about our program please visit our website https://www.qcc.cuny.edu/speechTheatre/aboutTheatre.html.



Soiree 2023 with Logan as Dionysus

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