Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat TMC - June 16 - June 25, 2017

CPAC Community Performance and Art Center

 Director's Notes 


As a teenager, I had the opportunity to watch a live touring Broadway production of

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat starring Donny Osmond. I don't know if was the soaring vocals, captivating choreography, magical sets, or perhaps the penchant I had for bright colors, but I can point to this experience as the beginning of my love for theatre. The story of Joseph, portrayed on our stage and found in the book of Genesis in the Bible, is one that has many themes and has been personally meaningful to me and others in many ways. In this story of Jacob and his twelve sons, including our hero, Joseph, we learn about the effects of favoritism within a family, the importance of faith and integrity, holding on to a promised dream, strength for the painful seasons of waiting, and the great gift of forgiveness. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, creators of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, have woven all these themes into a vibrant work that speaks hope to hearts. The music encompasses many genres, from country to calypso, and the lyrics are clever, often comedic, and always meaningful.  If you don't leave this production smiling, we haven't done our job!


For all of us, onstage and off, the demanding work required to stage Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat has been fueled by passion, creativity, collaboration, laughter, and lots of iced tea (at least for me). Directing such an iconic musical was at first, daunting. Both Claire and I knew that finding our family of cast and crew would provide the foundation of staging this challenging production. From the first rehearsal, we knew we had become part of something quite special. I am so proud of the growth, camaraderie, and artistry that has been built by this tight ensemble. Ranging in age from 7 - 78, with some making their first ever theatrical debut,

 this cast has taught me much about passion, creativity, and actively pursuing big dreams. Each cast member deserves the spotlight in these notes, but I wanted to acknowledge the generous and humble leadership of our "Joseph," the exceptionally talented Gabriel Brown. Thank you for your professionalism, kindness, creativity, and willingness to help wherever needed--including editing our audio tracks. Your hard work and positive spirit has made all of us shine a little brighter!


In addition to a truly remarkable cast, the technical theatre aspects of this production are absolutely astounding! These designers are some of the BEST I have ever worked

 within all my different theatre experiences. Almost everything has had to be specially designed and built for this production--including the massive set, and the majority of our fabulous costumes, and the most creative props I've ever seen on stage. Lighting and sound play integral parts in this show, and I know the audience will have a feast for their senses.  Thank you to my creative team of designers who have met every challenge, oozed creativity, remained flexible, and provided us with a gorgeous world where we can escape for an hour or two. Huge thanks also to my choreographers, Susie, Zanna, and Sharon, for literally coming to my rescue and providing us with some delightfully creative dance numbers that are so much better than my desperate plan of box steps and the "Electric Slide."  In addition, a very special thanks to Regina Ford and Lance Heise for being with us from the beginning as stage managers. Your help, wisdom, and kindness have been invaluable.


I am so thankful for my Joseph family. You have all inspired and encouraged me to embrace each day, meet challenges head-on, find the joy in the journey, seek adventure, and in everything, to remain faithful to the One who is the Giver of all dreams.


Finally, thank you to you, our audience, for traveling with us to ancient Canaan and Egypt and watching our technicolor story unfold. Whatever your dreams might be, we hope your time with us will encourage you to see beyond the closed doors into the vastness of possibilities! Blessings to you! - Marcy Miller


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