Maskerade - October 27 - October 30, 2022

Burlingame High School



The scenes take place over the course of a few days,

mostly in the Ankh-Morpork  Opera House. 

It is the Year of the Fruitbat...



Sc 1:  An Empty Stage

Sc 2:  The Blasted Heath

Sc 3:  The Opera House

Sc 4:  On the Road Near Bad Ass

Sc 5:  Mr. Bucket's Office at the Opera House

Sc 6:  On the Stagecoach

Sc 7:   The Opera House

Sc 8:   In the Inn at Sto Lat

Sc 9:   On Board the Coach

Sc 10:   The Opera House, Backstage

Sc 11:  On Stage

Sc 12:  The Publishers

Sc 13:  The Opera House, On Stage

Sc 14:  In the Gods



Sc 1:  On Stage

Sc 2:  The Shades

Sc 3:  The Gods

Sc 4:  Christine's Room

Sc 5:  Backstage at the Opera

Sc 6:  Mr. Bucket's Office

Sc 7:  The Cellars Under the Opera

Sc 8:  Mr. Bucket's Office

Sc 9:  Backstage at the Opera

Sc 10:  The Grand Salon

Sc 11:  The Corridor Behind the Boxes

Sc 12:  Box Eight

Sc 13:  The Phantom's Lair

Sc 14:  Backstage at the Opera

Sc 15:  The Phantom's Lair

Sc 16:  On Stage

Sc 17:  Granny's Back Garden

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