Carmen Delia Bryant
Carmen Delia Bryant (Director) is in her 9th year of teaching Drama at BRMS. She began her teaching career directing productions for the BOOST program and continues to produce annual shows for both the high school and the middle school. Her favorite shows include Beauty and the Beast and Once on This Island at BRHS; High School Musical Jr. and The Little Mermaid, Jr. at BRMS. She is sure this year’s middle school production of The Lion King Jr. will become one of her favorites as well! When she is not directing, Mrs. Bryant also enjoys performing in local theatre productions. She appeared in Cumberland County College’s Perry Award Nominated production of Les Miserables last fall and recently took the stage again in Little Shop of Horrors. Thank you to everyone who played a part in getting tonight’s show up and running. Love your face! “There are no small parts, only small actors." - Constantin Stanislavski
Jenissa Lillia
Shelby Fulmer
Shelby Fulmer is proud to be working as a crew member with Mrs. Bryant and the cast and crew of The Lion King Jr. Shelby is in the 6th grade. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, listening to music, and dancing. Shelby has been taking Ballet and Jazz lessons for the last six years. Shelby is also a Cadette Girl Scout who volunteers her time at many community events throughout the year. Good luck to Mrs. Bryant and the cast and crew!
Alexyea Valkos
Alexyea is in 8th grade. She is really glad she joined crew for the play because she learned so much about how a play runs and how much work can go into it. She's also really glad she joined because she has made friends she never had or never talked to before. Being in the play is like having a second family. Good luck guys and girls!