BRHS Drama Club
- Good Luck to all of our talented and amazing staff and students! - Mrs. Donley
- Congrats and Break a Leg, Buena Drama Club! - Mrs. Laura Lawhead
Dylan Sack
- So proud of you, Dylan! We love you! Love Mom, Dad, Jake & Jayson
- Good Luck, Dylan! Break a Leg! - Uncle Doug and Aunt Jane
- Love watching you have so much fun performing on "the boards." Thank you for
your dedication to the play and your love for the art. Bravo! Love, Grandma
Emily Sapello
- Congratulations on your first high school musical, Emily! Break a leg!
Love, Mother & Father
- Can't wait to see the show - I know you will do great! Mom-mom Sandy
- Break a leg, Em! I'm so proud of you! Have fun! Sara
- The sky is the limit, Emmy Princess! Love always, Naomi & Fam
- Break a leg, Em, we love you! Jen & Kenny
Jessenia & Weylin Echevarria
- Break a leg, Jessie & Weylin! Love, Mom
Jonathan Collazo
- So proud of you Jon! We love you! Mom, Dad & Nate
- Best of luck to the Cast & Crew! Wepa! The Collazo Family
- Best of luck Jon! Always so proud of you! Love you! Abuela & Abuelo
- Can't wait to see the play! We know you'll do great! Abuela & Abuelo
- Way to go Jon! Can't wait to "watch" you! Love you! Nana & Pop-Pop
Sebastian & Isabella Gonzalez
- Break a Leg!
Sebastian Gonzalez
- We are proud of you! Love Mom & Dad
Isabella Gonzalez
- We are proud of you! Love Mom & Dad
Sara Santiago
- My beautiful Sari; I love your Amazingness!
- I'm proud of you! Courageous & Triumphant!
- We are proud of you! Sari & Roli Dream Big!
Dara (Hola, chica!)
- For the amazing food you prepared with love for our cast & crew! Thank you!