Letisha Dhanpaul
Master Carpenter
Letisha Dhanpaul as been doing set crew for three years. Ms. Q and Julie believed in her the 1st year and gave her the role of stage manager. The 2nd year she worked with her team but also took her school work serious. Now in her third year she's master carpenter, her coaches believe in her
Allison Logan
Head Painter/ Builder
Allison has been a very dedicated set crew member for two years now and I must say her leadership role has grown so much. Shes won firest place in the one act plays and was stage manager for the middle school play "Annie". Im greatful for all the help from my teammates. In the heights has taught me to achieve bigger and better goals and to never give up.
Bintou Kabba
Lighting Designer/ Builder
This is Bintou's third year in theater. She has participated in the King and I and has been doing behind the scenes work since. This year she is currently doing lighting designs and cues. Bintou is grateful for Julie and Ms. Q for supporting her and having faith in her and everyone else here in the academy.
Shaquasia Harvey
Prop Manager/ Builder
Shaquasia Harvey has been on set crew for two years now. However this is her first year as prop designer. Shaquasia is grateful to have the opportunity to participate in set and prop design, because many schools don't have programs that are so hands on.
Edison Hines
Master Carpenter
Edison Hines has just started his path on construction in set crew after his scene transition work in Annie. A few weeks after mentoring and learning, this 11th grade boy has really gotten the hang of his job. Serious isn't a word used to usually describe Edison, but being involved in set crew has a completey changed his attitude.