A Killer Party! - January 23 - January 24, 2021

Broadway Artists Alliance of NYC


Family Members/Technical Support  
Marianna Ban  
AnnaMaria Ban (Mom), she literally did everything from wardrobe/dresser, camerawomen, director, reader, hair and makeup, and support system
Emmaline Colvin  
Amie Colvin, (Mom), lights And Jim Colvin, (Dad) lights!
Bennett Cooper  
Jennifer Cooper, (Mom) EVERYTHING!
Bella Coyne  
Kelli Coyne, (Mom)/film producer extraordinaire!
Giorgia Dallasta  
Costumes, camera, and stable internet - Jennifer Morrissey (Mom!) also a big thank you to the Next Generation Arts Council - a youth theatre and arts group in Maryland for helping me get to where I am today!
Olivia DeAmicis  
Karin DeAmicis (Mom) : makeup and hair, set design. Elden and Diane Wick: costume and prop managers!
Kylie Dunaye  
Jennifer Dunaye, (Mom), camerawomen and wardrobe , Haylie Dunaye- (Sister) lights person, Rod Dunaye- sound engineer , Maxine and Larry Jones- equipment manager
Noah Haren  
Dawn Haren, (Mom), scene partner and camerawoman/Joe Haren, (Dad), lighting guy and cameraman/Lena, my lovely cat, special guest star/Nicky Kaider, my good friend, ASL helper.
Danielle Kucera  
Michael Magarahan, (boyfriend), Cameraman, Lights, Sound, and everything else :)
Andrew Leonforte  
Teresa Leonforte , (Mom), Camerawoman, and Green Screen Operator, Peter Leonforte, (Dad), Cameraman, and green screen operator
Kira Magliari  
Shelby Magliari, (Mom), scheduler, wardrobe consultant, camera and technical crew, motivational support staff and general manager; Felice and Mia Magliari, (dad and sister), sound,/technical assistants, dog wrangling, occasional distraction and creative feedback! Dagny, my dog, set demolition; The McCormick Family (Cousins) lighting sponsor; Deb&Rich Perretta and Luisa&Sal Magliari, (Grandparents), rehearsal space and internet while ‘on location’
Julia Monsey  
Alexis Monsey (Sister) Camera and Audio Assistant and Cheerleader
Michael Natt  
Cat Natt, (Mom), Mystery and Detective Case hand, Camerawoman, Set Designer, Financial-taker-on-er!
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