Bailey Cesario
as "Normal" Mom
Bailey Cesario (8th grade): Bailey was an actor in last year’s play and is excited to return to the stage as an 8th grader. She really likes the spooky vibe of the play. In the last play, she persevered through a pre-show injury and pulled her role off really well. Outside of school, Bailey enjoys horseback riding. Her favorite class is art.
Albert Chi
as Zombie A, Narrator 2
Albert Chi (8th grade): Albert is new to acting and he was drawn to the zombie aspect of this play. He enjoys having art classes in school. He enjoys fishing and playing soccer in his free time. He recently joined the Culver City Rock and Mineral Club.
Stephen Chung
as Zombie G, Jo
Stephen Chung (7th grade): Stephen’s favorite classes are PE and art, but now acting has taken over his school life. This is his first experience with acting and he is interested in the possibility of fame. Outside of school, he really enjoys soccer.
Cameron Davis
as Zombie F, Kylie
Cameron Davis (7th grade): Cameron is excited to make her acting debut in this play. When Cameron was asked “What do you hope to convey with acting in this play?” her response was “To be confident about your fears, even if it seems hard to conquer your fears, anything is possible.” Her favorite class at school is P.E. When Cameron has time, she enjoys drawing, crafting, reading, and playing her piano.
Joshua Edwards
as Casey, Zombie C
Joshua Edwards (8th grade): Josh returns to the stage after playing the lead role of Romeo Montague in last year’s spring play. Josh likes the play because “it's about zombies”. His favorite class at school is P.E. Outside of school, Josh enjoys playing basketball, math competitions, and doing karate.