Carrie the Musical - August 08 - August 10, 2019

Branching Out Productions


I have been a fan of thrillers for as long as I can remember, but none affected me as much as Stephen King's novel, Carrie, revolving around a lonely girl with untapped telekenetic powers whose young life comes to a climax at her Senior Prom. There was something very special about this story to me, since it was not just horror, but had an untold message underlying every action. King's clever writing led me to finish an entire horror novel before realizing that it was not about the horror at all, but one question: What does it cost to be kind?


Branching Out Productions, a new entirely teen-run theatre company created by me and my three closest friends last summer, has a goal to spread an incredibly powerful message with the use of a talented cast and a fantastic show. We thrive on taking risks. Producing a musical with a live band and an entirely teen crew and company was certainly the biggest one we have taken so far. We have been pleasantly surprised with just how possible it is to accomplish an incredible goal with the right mindset, and the perfect accomplices. 


Not only was this production a massive undertaking for us, but it was also a serious financial commitment that we have accounted for purely based on your donations and our own willingness. If you feel inclined to help us on our journey, please drop any spare change into our donation buckets that will be passed around at intermission, or donate online to our GoFundMe that is linked in our social medias! Your help is greatly appreciated.


Although Carrie may seem like another flashy horror to the average person, we have worked tirelessly on making it special. For example, portraying these teenage characters with cast members their accurate ages, giving the production an immersive and interactive feel, and paying close attention to what should be the star of the show: the message.


We cannot thank you enough for supporting our endeavors and taking the time out of your day to watch an entirely teen produced, directed, choreographed, music directed, designed, and performed production of this angsty, impressive, and most importantly, thoughtful show. 


It's sure to be a night you'll never forget!


Julia Massey

Director, Producer, Choreographer, Chris

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