BULLY..? - December 08

Boys & Girls Club of Hancock County


I want to thank everyone involved in the production for all their efforts. This production would not have been possible without the hard work and support of cast, crew, and volunteers from all over.


It has been a great honor and privilege to train this first individual. I am highly indebted to Ms. Jasmine Hawkins. Thank you for your willing-spirit and your constant supervision over our cast.


Thank you to Ms. Tracey Mitchell for your support in completing the project and for adding your talented craftsmanship to our production.


A huge thanks and show of appreciation to Ms. Miriam Delgado for the stage curtains. Your donation allow this production to move to another level.


Thank you to the Bay St. Louis Little Theater for allowing us to glean from their stewards. Ms. Cheryl Grace, Mr. Bruce Northridge, Mr. Mike Schultz, and Mr. Dean Noel. Thank you for your constant guidance and willingness to share your vast knowledge of the theater arts.


Next, I want to take this time to thank Ms. Wanda Hilliard, Ms. Samantha Martin, and Ms. Morgan Bogolin. I would like to express my gratitude towards you for your cooperation and encouragement which helped us complete this project.


I want to express special thanks and appreciation to Little Miss Cassandra Brown for allowing us into your world and letting us see the other side of a serious problem. Thank you for helping us develop this piece into a full production.


Last but certainly not least, I want to thank Ms. Keva Scott for encouraging youth like Cassie to dream BIG! Thank you for making a way for her dream to be manifested into a work of living art.

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