Director: Ms.Laura Quinn
Assistant Director:Ms. Sue Harrington
Choreographer: Ms. Jeorgi Smith
Set & Artistic Design: Ms. Sue Harrington
Media Crew Advisor:Ms. Laura Quinn
Stage Crew Advisor:Ms. Sue Harrington
Costume Design: Mrs. Laurie Cama & Ms. Catherine Wagner
Hair & Make-Up Design: Ms. Laura Quinn
Program Design: Mrs. Angela Lewis & Mrs. Meghan Richard
Set Design Club:
Mia Barlotta, Evan Bautista, Seleyna Bautista, Daniel Cama, Casey Clark, Evelyn Ho, Brandon Howe, SanjanaJhaveri, Daniela Karpinski, Jack Kenneweg, Samantha LeRoy, Lillian Lovelsmith, Josie Maniscalco, Monisha Patel, Elizabeth Treacy, Caitlyn Wagner
Stage Crew:
Evan Bautista, Casey Clark, Evelyn Ho, Brandon Howe, Alexia Kallis, Jack Kenneweg, Lillian Lovelsmith, Trey Stahl, Abigail Studer, Cody Wald, Cricket Vander Ploeg
Media Crew:
Evan Bautista, Isabella Bergeron, Colin Foley, Brian Galea, Brandon Howe, Sam Leroy, Michael Lysiak, J.T. Pittaro, Connor Ross, Ben Soo Hoo
Many Thanks to All Drama Club Volunteers:
John & Mirabel Bautista, Melanie Bowers, Carol Bozza, Ed & Laurie Cama, Karen Clark, Carolyn Curtis, Nick D’Ambrosio, Annemarie Emge, Andrea Glaser, Maggie Goldberg, Richard Hilton, Amie Hyman, Angela Lewis,John Lovelsmith, Maria Manley, Kelly McDermott, Sheryl McNichol, Meghan Richard, Kirstin Rigby, Danielle Pisano, Laurie Quinn, Karen Riley, Diane Swisher, Becca Swope, Audra Tonero, Krista Underhill, Alyson Vander Ploeg, Catherine Wagner, and all parents who donated props and set pieces.
Special Thanks to our High School Assistants:
Caroline Anderson, Anna Barlotta, Nile Birch, Christina Cannilla, Jamie Demnitz, Clayton Emge, Gina Marasco, Molly McDermott, Casey McNichol, Julieta Quinteros, Anna Skelton, Maddie Wagner, Miriam Yarger
With Special Thanks To:
The Morris Plains Board of Education, Superintendent Mr. Mark Maire, & Mr. Andrew Kramarfor their continued support of the Drama Department; Mr. Kevin Beattie &the Borough School Custodians for all of their wonderful help; ALL teachers who generously volunteered their time to help chaperone tonight’s show…
A BIG heart-felt thank-you goes to the parents of our actors and crew members. Your help with ticket sales, costumes and props, concessions, and your support of the Borough School Drama Club is deeply appreciated, and is part of what made this such a special experience for everyone involved. Thank you!