It has been such a pleasure working with each student in Drama Club ... a pleasure and a HONOR!!! I want to thank all the parents for jumping in and helping! A special thanks goes out to the following:
* BRITTANY FRANCOM - Not only did you help me with the choreography, but you saved our show with the MICs at the last minute!!!
* JUSTIN MANNING - For building sets and managing our SET CHANGES.
* ANNE HARPER - for helping to set up the use of the CORONADO THEATER ... and for staying late nights for us to practice!!!
* ALLISON STROH and her sister, VAL - for helping with anything and everything!!!!
* FLORA WORATSCHEK - for your help with costumes & be willing to work backstage!
* DOLTHA DOLANCH - for assistant backstage during shows!
* RANDY STANISZEWSKI - for helping me keep everything going ... and making sure that I have been taken care of!!! You are definitely my better half!!! :)
* MS CAT & MS STRATTON - Without the two of you, there would be no DRAMA CLUB!!!
I am sure that I have forgotten someone, but know that I truly appreciate EVERYTHING that everyone has contributed to make this production a reality!!!
Kimberley Staniszewski