Letter from the Director:
Thank you for attending Blue Mountain High School's 2017 production of "Gypsy." To say this was a huge undertaking would be an understatement! I thought that maybe after having one show under my belt, the second would be less chaotic, but I think it was just as hectic! I can sincerely say this production would not have been possible without the help I received from parents, students, and Mr. Evans. This has been a team effort, and I am so thankful for the help from everyone! A special thanks to the audience for coming to suport our shows! We are 100% self-funded, so we truly appreciate your interest and attendance!
Special thanks to:
- Rob and Dana Clauser (mom and dad) for spending countless hours at Lowe's purchasing supplies for our sets, and for creating the things I imagine! I couldn't do this without you. I love you!
- My amazing husband for spending hours painting sets and dealing with my crazy schedule. Love you!
- Johanna Brauer for designing Electra and Mazeppa's costumes, the cow costume, the Toreadorable sashes, creating the curtains for Grantziger's office, and finding costume pieces in general!
- Willow Seefeldt for sewing all June costumes, working on Tessie's costume, and creating Louise's removable skirt.
- Beth Blankenhorn for organizing our amazing concession stand and baking delicious treats!
- Kevin Blankenhorn for his council regarding programs and ads.
- Austin Siple for working with lighting and overseeing the tech crew.
- Terry Laughlin for setting up the catwalk, hanging the back drops, finding sound effects, and helping me with anything I ask for!
- Chris Evans for directing the pit and keeping me sane throughout the months leading up to the show.
- The pit for the hours they spent preparing for the performances!
- Gloria Evert, Caitlyn Biggs, and Jill Heffner for volunteering to play in our pit!
- Mr. Whalen and the BMHS Art Club for assisting with the "swirly thing" used during Louise's "Let Me Entertain You" sequence.
- Alana Jones for assisting with PR.
- Lesley Gumaer for taking headshots and creating the lobby display.
- All parents and students who assisted with set building and design!
- Amy Sterner for assisting with auditions and providing critique of the show for students.
- All parents who donated drinks, baked, or volunteered to work at our concession stand.
- All parents who volunteered to sell tickets!
- Private music instructors for helping prepare the students for the show! We couldn't do it without you!
- Kelly Pleva for providing us with feedback to make our show better!
- Jacob Fessler for his assistance with poster design and ticket sales!
- Sandy Schantz for finding tons of costumes to add to our prop room!
- Sandy Kost-Sterner and the Majestic Theatre for organizing the Pottsville Republican insert on the local musicals.
- The entire cast, pit, and crew for their dedication to the show! You're great people and I can't wait to see what the future of the BMHS Drama Club holds!
- The seniors for their dedication to BMSD's theatre program throughout the years! Never stop creating music/art!
- Dr. Helsel, Mr. Berger, Mr. Rossi, Mr. Spolski, and the School Board for their support of the arts.
- Mrs. Toth for handling the many checks that need to be deposited and written!
- Mrs. Frederick and Mrs. Hubiak for allowing us to perform a preview of the show for the elementary schools!
- Mr. Shoupe and the fall play for sharing the props, costumes, and facilities!
- BMHS Custodial Staff for managing the facilities.
Enjoy the Show!