Honk! JR. - April 11 - April 12, 2014

Blackhawk Middle School



The cast and crew would like to thank the following people:


Blackhawk Middle School PTO

Jeremiah Barr for designing and helping to  build the set

Mr. Keith Moritz for helping with lighting and sound

The parents of the cast and crew

Blackhawk Middle School Faculty and Staff






Bensenville Elementary School District #2

Board Members

Patty Reyes, President

Kathleen Bossier, Vice President

Cindee Hazen, Secretary

Jorge Sanchez, Treasurer 

Robert Laudadio, Member

Donna Prunotto, Member

Nancy Quinn, Member







James Stelter, Ed.D. Superintendent

Kay Dugan, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent for Learning

Mr. Paul Novak, Cheif Financial Officer

Mr. Perry Finch, Principal

Mrs. Sarah Humbolt, Principal

Mrs. Tarah Fowler, Assistant Principal


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