Thanks for joining us today for the 2nd Annual FIVES New Play Festival! Back in January, BLACK BOX issued a call for submissions for short scripts - each with exactly five actors, to be read by a panel of five judges. The scripts were put through a rigorous selection process that resulted in bringing you the top five scripts you see on the stage for this performance, and this year including our first runner up.
It takes many people working many hours to make theatre happen, and not all of them appear on the stage. Please allow me to thank a few...
- Many thanks to our panel of judges: Karen Hamer, Mandy Houk, Daniel Robbins, Linda Johnson, and Buck Buchanan for their time and dedication to this project;
- PPCC, First Company, Theaterworks, Springs Ensemble Theatre and Sarah Sheppard Shaver for the loan of sets and props. I love how our theatre community comes alongside each other to help!
- Sandra Vollbracht and The Tattered Cottage for prop loan;
- The University School for the use of their rehearsal stage;
- Woodland Park School District for the loan of library carts;
- The Cheyenne Mountain Library, for research assistance;
- Kathryn Moss, the shiny new Black Box volunteer publicist, for your enthusiasm in getting the word out!
- The Directors, who gave of their time while simultaneously working on other projects;
- Our fabulous cast members, who worked nights and weekends, brought in furniture, props and costumes, hung posters, placed fliers - thanks for putting the "community" in community theatre!
- Our superhuman crew, helmed by the amazing Kitty Robbins (my Wizard) and awesome stage manager Kylie Hartnett (Keeper-of-my-Brain);
- YOU, our audience, for helping to keep theatre alive!