Bishop England High School
Drama Program Support
Your support of a financial gift provides crucial funding for essential Drama Program costs: purchasing royalties, costumes, lighting rentals, set construction and more.
Select Support Level:
Support Recognition:
Front of House Supporter
Your name in the program
Playbill message to a student
Green Room Supporter
All Front of House recognition, plus:
A show t-shirt from either the play or musical
A cast signed poster from the musical
Downstage Supporter
All of the above recognition, plus:
Pre-order your tickets and preferred seating for the play and the musical
$_____________ Other Amount
Donor Information
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________
Please send your completed form with payment to:
Bishop England High School
Office of Advancement
363 Seven Farms Dr. Charleston, SC 29492