The Wizard of Oz (RSC 1987) - April 12 - April 14, 2019

Beresford Area Arts


This marks the 20th year of Beresford Area Arts bringing popular musicals and plays to the Beresford community.  None of this would be possible without the dedication of many individuals.


On behalf of the Beresford Area Arts, we would like to first thank our many family and friends who support us in giving our time to the community arts.  It is because of your love that we are able to be successful in our endeavors.


In no particular order:


Five businesses proudly sponsored this production, and we are grateful for their ongoing financial support: Pederson Machine, Jensen Insurance, Klassix, Johnsen Heating and Cooling, and Lewis Drug.


Thank you to Beresford Musical Arts for supplying the cupcakes for our Friday and Saturday dinner guests.


Thank you First Dakota Bank for the meat and cheese trays for our cast.


We greatly appreciate Judy Travis for her willingness to design and create the dinner tickets for us again.


Thank you to the Beresford School District for allowing us to continue using the stage as well as disctrict-owned technology (lighting and sound equipment).


Thank you coaches of various sports for giving up gym time for our rehearsals.


Taking over another person's space requires great communication and a large margin of grace.  Thank you Kelly Knutson, Becky Sanderson, Brian LeMaster, and Jan Antonson for allowing us to use your classrooms and gymnasium throughout the 12-week run of this show.


Thank you to our many high school students who served the meal for Friday and Saturday evenings.


We are ever appreciative for those who contributed their talent, skills, and hard work in some capacity that made the set and other technical needs possible.  Ginger is especially grateful to them in creating a successful and visually appealing set.


Thank you Scott Kennedy and Craig Akland for your help in our above wash lighting.


A big thank you to each member of our cast and crew for your dedication and willingness to make this show absolutely enjoyable from day one.


Thank you Jacee Casarella for your help in brainstorming ideas to visualize this particular show.


Thank you Chris Wyllie and your team at TheatreFX for the help with understanding the various effects throughout the show, as well as how to best produce them.


All of the parents have been so kind and wonderful.  Thank you for allowing your children to dedicate their evenings to making our play come to life!


To the Beresford community, thank you for making it oh so true that there really is no place like home.


Finally, to our families.  Your support makes this possible; your love makes this worth it.

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