Don't Say "MACBETH"! - February 01 - February 03, 2024

Bentonville West High School - Bentonville Schools


  • Bentonville West Administration
  • District Visual and Performing Arts Administration
  • BWHS Faculty and Staff - you are so supportive and amazing, thank you!
  • BWHS Office Staff - Thank you for being some of our biggest cheerleaders!
  • Brandtly Wheeler for bringing me this delightful script and for cranking out the set while we were out of school for inclement weather!
  • Emily Schiavone for your continued support of our students and their success
  • Parents and guardians for your willingness to let your young adults live with this show for the long haul--We would not be able to showcase this show at our state Festival without your support!
  • The Pretats, Redmonds, Boseckers, Riffes, & Greenfields for providing food and drinks during tech week!
  • Show sponsors for supporting high school theatre
  • John Mackey and Wake Up Wolverines
  • Aurora Riffe for your commitment to the whole process of this show
  • Aloura Barter for your wonderful instincts as a student director
  • Irlanda Andrade for taking on the challenge of Costume Design for this production
  • Adi Cryts and Paige Taylor for traveling to the One-Act festival in November
  • Crew for jumping in whole-heartedly to make our school production the best it can be
  • Gwyn Collins & Caitlyn Hawkinson for helping with Joanna
  • Joanna, Mark, & Lindi Johnson for being the most supportive daughter and parents a high school theatre director could have.
  • Cast for your dedication and amazing work.  I'm proud of you!



With all my gratitude,

Graci Johnson


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