What Day Is It? & American Idiot - April 29 - April 30, 2022

Bellingham High School


What Day is it?  
I Hope I Get It  
Full Cast
There's No Knowing  
Jake Clark, Cassandra Senna, Gabrielle Nelson, Liam Coyle, Nina Sullivan
What's the Buzz? / Strange Thing, Mystifying  
Elsa Robinson, Ensemble
Sun is Going to Shine  
Full Cast
Welcome to the Internet  
Madison Roche, Cassandra Senna, Elsa Robinson, Abigail Donovan, Lillian Marshall, Liam Coyle, Nina Sullivan, Gabrielle Nelson, Ainsleigh McCue, Maren Rininsland
Save the People  
Full Cast
American Idiot Act 1  
American Idiot  
Full Cast
Jesus of Suburbia  
Johnny, Will, Tunny, Heather, Ensemble
Johnny, Tunny, Ensemble
Boulevard of Broken Dreams  
Johnny, Whatsername, Tunny, Ensemble
Favorite Son  
Joshua, Ensemble
Are We the Waiting  
Tunny, Joshua, Ensemble
St. Jimmy  
Johnny, St. Jimmy, Ensemble
American Idiot Act 2  
Give Me Novacaine  
Will, Tunny, Ensemble
Last of the American Girls/She's a Rebel  
Johnny, Whatsername, St. Jimmy, Ensemble
Last Night on Earth  
St. Jimmy, Whatsername, Heather, Ensemble
Too Much Too Soon  
Will, Heather, Theo, Alysha
Before the Lobotomy  
Tunny, Joshua, Ben, Chase
Extraordinary Girl  
Extraordinary Girl, Tunny, Ensemble

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