Hairspray Jr. - June 02 - June 03, 2017

Belleville Middle


The BMS Theatre Arts Company would like to extend their deepest gratitude to:


-Dr. Tomko and the Board of Education for their support of our program


-Ms. Wright and the entire BMS administration for their constant support of this endeavor, no matter what the need


-Mr. Pagano, BHS principal, for sharing the HS space with us, allowing for the best show we could do


-Mrs. Taglairino and the Pemberton school district for the use of their sets and selected costumes


-Mr. Henry and the Belleville maintenance crew for venturing to Pemberton to get our sets


-the staff of BMS for their support of our cast and their willingness to help no matter what


-Mrs. Hemsley and Mrs. Bruno for their constant support


-Mr. Percio, Mr. Gerst, and Ms. Austin (BMS custodians) for helping Ms. Conway and our cast 


-Mr. Orrei and the stage tech members for always coming through for this production and its director


-Mr. Gaccione and his crew for putting our set back together


-Mr. Holguin for his constant assitance with all things production related for this program


- Mr. Politano for being their to assist this production no matter what


-Mr. Sheridan and his mass comm students for recording this production and developing the recording of auditions


- and you, the audience member, for being here and supporting our production! We are grateful to you all!


Love, The cast, crew, and production staff of Hairspray Jr. 



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