Disaster! - March 22 - March 24, 2019

Be Drama: Berkley High School

 Who's Who 

  • Bella Levin head shot

    Bella Levin

    as Marianne Wilson

    Bella is a Junior and has previously been in 'Curious Incident'. She takes part in Peer 2 Peer, Be Drama as the 11th Grade Repsentaive, and Acapella. Plus, she also dog watches in her spare time. She likes tea, good hair days, and Sara Bareilles. Special thanks to Mr. Hummel, Mr. Hopkins, and Miles. 

  • Emma Rowan head shot

    Emma Rowan

    as Jackie Noelle

    Emma is a Senoir and has performed in 11 shows at Warren Civic, and Erzulie in 'Once on this Island'. Emma is a part of Be Drama, Encore, and Acapella. She likes muscial theatre, but dislikes shoes. A special thanks to her Family and Friends. Enjoy! 

  • Jake Primak head shot

    Jake Primak

    as Tony Delvecchio

    Jake is a Senior and this will be his first performance at BHS. He is part of Be Drama, SNHS, MAO, Ultimate Frisbee Club, and he used to run Track. Plus, he works at a resturaunt during the summer seasons. He plans to attend University of Michigan with a major in Film. Special thanks to his parents for being supportive, JHops, and Will Shulak.

  • Matt Larson head shot

    Matt Larson

    as Ted Scheider, PhD

    Matt is a Senior, previously in 'Drowsy Chaperone' as Ganster #1. He likes both his dogs, choir and food but dislikes getting sick, and not being able to sing or talk. His plans are to attend Oakland University and go into Music Education. Special thanks to his Father, JHops, and Claire Chardon Kahl. Enjoy!

  • Mackenzie Finley head shot

    Mackenzie Finley

    as Shirley Summers

    Mackenzie is a Senior and has also been in 'Curious Incident'. She has a great time with the amazing people in this show, and loves kindbars. She plans to major in Musical Theatre with a minor in Dance. Special thanks to Ashley, Emma, and Sam for being the best friends this crazy girl could ask for. Enjoy!

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