Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka KIDS - March 08 - March 10, 2024

Barlow Mountain Elementary

 End Notes 

We'd like to extend our gratitude to the following:


  • Veterans Park Elementary School for the use of sets and props
  • Ms. Shirley Hughes, Physical Education Teacher BMES for blueberry balls
  • Mr. Michael Fraioli, Physical Education Teacher VPES for blueberry balls
  • Custom T's for Oompa Loompa T-Shirts 
  • Purple Heather Floral Design for partnering with us on our flower sale
  • Savers of Brookfield for the generous loan of costumes
  • RPS Superintendent Susie da Silva for her encouragement of musical productions in our elementary schools
  • Asst. Superintendent Cory Gillette for securing the grant to help put on the BMES Musical
  • Principal Becky Laus for her backing of the PTA and the Wonka, Kids production
  • The BMES PTA for their constant support to make this production happen
  • Sherson Alvarez and the Barlow Mountain custodial team for opening the school, setting up the chairs, cleaning up and always having a smile. 
  • Brett Medders, Maintenance Foreman, Ridgefield Public Schools for the scissor lift and adjusting the lights.
And a special thank you to our cast, crew and their parents. Your enthusiasm and support make all of this magic possible! 
To our producer, Eve Zibel, the time and dedication you poured into the production the last two years is invaluable. Thank you for being a fearless leader and bringing life back to the stage at BMES. 
Did you enjoy this production and want to get involved next year?
We'd love your help! Most of our parent volunteers have no experience in musicals. We have many roles to fill such as costumes, makeup, set design, crew coordinators, concessions, rehearsal volunteers, and more.
If you'd like to reach out, feel free to email:
Thank you and we hope you enjoy the show!

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