Dogfight - December 03 - December 04, 2021

Bard College

 Director's Note 

I think that every time someone has asked “why did you choose Dogfight?”, I’ve given a different answer. It has ranged from “I love the music” to “well at first I wanted to do Rent…” to “I have no idea”. I realize now that I ended up doing Dogfight the same way that I ended up directing a musical this semester at all: I stumbled into it and then decided to dive in headfirst. I chose to direct Dogfight because I liked it, but it was only through this whole process that I realized how perfect of a show it was for my directing debut. Dogfight is, above all, a story about how a person can become a home. During my time at Bard, especially this semester, I’ve met a lot of incredible people, people that I am now honored to consider part of my home. This past semester has been one of the hardest periods of my life, and I often find myself searching for familiarity with the uncertainty I am facing. I am grateful to have found stability in the people I am surrounded by. Dogfight reminds us that when we are stripped of all else, we are simply people who need and love other people, a concept that I have been repeatedly reminded of this semester. Directing Dogfight has been one of the most incredible experiences I’ve had, and although I was unsure of my reasons for selecting it at the time, perhaps something in my subconscious knew that this was the story I needed to tell right now.
This being said, Dogfight is in no way a solo act, and it would not have been possible without the help of many people. Thank you to the amazing production team, helping us hold together this show with safety pins and paint. To my assistant director, Chris, I appreciate you challenging me to think bigger and brighter throughout this process (and for the coffee). To my stage manager, Mariella, thanks for answering every late-night question and for your constant friendship and support. To Faith, your commitment and talent astound me every day and I am so grateful to work with you. I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting this show and the chaos it has brought with it. Perhaps above all, I have to thank my cast for simply showing up to rehearsal and being themselves and bringing all the love and laughter that comes with that. You all made many a bad day better for me and I am so proud of you and the show that we created. You mean the world to me. And lastly, to the two people who kept me sane in this show, Scotty and Jonja, I am so grateful. You were there every step of the way and I truly couldn’t have done this without you both by my side.


- Riley Cerabona, 2021

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