The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong - August 16 - August 24, 2024

BIG HEARTS little theatre


From my BIG HEART to yours:

Michael Hannigan for jumping on board and being such a positive, kind-spirited, and warm collaborator.


Todd Newton for the endless hours and boundless energy you put into the building and brainstorming for this amazing set.


Daniel Yeulett for your endless trips to Home Depot and your unwavering love and support.


James MacDonald for creating our wonderful dog portrait and for helping with the original set designs.


Aries Hill for being the queen of getting things done and done well.


Burlington Little Theatre for the generous and collaborative sharing of properties and set pieces.


Sarah Jean Lancaster for opening the doors of your beautiful rehearsal space and letting us move in for the summer.  BIG HEARTS little theatre would not have had the space to grow and flourish without your open heart and generosity.


Aaron Cowan for lovingly supplying snacks for each rehearsal, for always listening, supporting and encouraging.


My wonderful and supportive family...just for being them.


Toby Veter for dropping everything and coming out to deconstruct and move a set.

All of the BIG HEARTS little theatre summer students who came and danced with me all summer, lifting my spirits and sharing my joy.


The staff of the Zoetic, particularly  Anthony, Jacob and Layla, for their assistance and patience.

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