When the curtain closes on Saturday night, it will not only close on a show that has been an absolute delight to produce, but it will be the end of the trail for me. After 12 years of having the tremendous opportunity and great fortune to work at Autrey Mill, I will be hanging up my spurs and heading towards new adventures. I leave behind the most wonderful memories of students who have enriched my life more than words can say, and it is my hope that they will carry with them the memories and friendships created here on our little stage for years to come.
I cannot go without thanking all the parents who throughout the years have supported me by helping build and paint the sets, organize the programs, coordinate the hair/makeup, organize the costumes and props and so much more. Our shows simply would not have been possible without you/them. Thanks also to my colleagues at AMMS who have volunteered their time again and again to chaperone and help out with the productions in other ways. I have been so fortunate to work with the best Connections team possible, and will truly miss our time together.
Special thanks to Ms. Michelle Hains and Mr. Tim Anderson for their help over the years with lights, casting, and sound, and to Beth Van Riper who keeps us all organized and has spent countless hours making our weekend rehearsals possible. We could not have done the wonderful things in theatre without their generosity of time and talent.
Last, but not least, a heartfelt thank you to Dr. Ann Ferrell and Mrs. Cristy (Ray) Caldwell who took a chance on me twelve years ago. At my interview I remember asking Dr. Ferrell why she would hire me since I hadn't taught theatre before, and she said, "I just have a gut feeling about you." I hope I proved you right! To Cristy, we sure had some fun! - thank you for believing in me.
Happy Trails,
Amy Creamer