To the wonderful family of Wildcats, including cast, crew, parents and all who helped make this production such a success - we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. What a fun journey this has been - as well as a bit challenging. Choosing a show that the kids know so well can be a challenge to direct, as the actors come to rehearsals with firm ideas of the characters based upon the movie. We have had some wonderful discussions as a result about characterization, acting, theme and the idea that each production is unique and special because of the actors and crew involved.
We would like to thank two people who bring so much sizzle to our musicals, Mrs. Allison Polaski and Ms. Michelle Hains. The incomparable Mrs. Polaski is so gifted with her dancing and choreography and has a tremendous rapport with the middle school students. And no show at Autrey Mill would be complete without Ms. Michelle Hains. Michelle is our rudder in the storm! When we are overwhelmed with details, at a loss for which way to turn, we seek out Ms. Hains. She has the eye of an artist, the ear of a musician and is a scientist to boot!
To our dear, dear 8th graders who we send off to high school soon - we hope you have enjoyed your years here at Autrey Mill and we hope that you continue to work hard for your dreams. Mrs. Creamer and Mrs. Edwards
Thank you .......
Ryan Kloiber - for being so dependable and on target with the spot
Angie Chen - for your cool-headed, quick thinking backstage
Luke Bowman - for being a great friend to your crewmates
Kevin Park - for your talent, charisma and leadership.
Bryan Penn - for combining wit and style into all you do
Evan Penn - for being cooler than cool
Alex Hayes - for being my Rock of Gibraltar
Aubriana Davis - for being gracious, thoughtful, and always prepared!
Cece Crumbley - for having so much 'tude on stage!
Juls Ayers - where have you been hiding???!!!
Valeria Brenner - for making us all laugh so hard.... you naughty girl!!!
Jaclyn Nelson - for your unbridled enthusiasm for all things theatre!
Gwen Cuccia - for bringing heartbreak to the 7th grade boys
Emily Williams - for your ever sweet nature and all around awesomeness
Ishuma Lahoti - for bringing style and intelligence to all you do
Liddy Schultz - for a winning, giving attitude and a set of amazing pipes
Laura Rodriguez - for your sweet nature and ever-present smile
Alex Jaeger - for bouncing a basketball fiercely
John Lee - for joining this crazy theatre family, we are much indebted
Jack Yarnall - for bringing your charm, leadership, and dependability to all you do
Grayce Ludlow - for being the ultimate thespian, cheerfully participating on stage and backstage
Caroline Watkins - for your hoofing talents as fleet footed Gina and now a nimble Thespian
Tyler Heydinger - for skate boarding into our thespian world!
Ian Rossin - for your boundless enthusiasm of the arts
Ulyana Simakova - for adding your lovely voice to our company and a touch of sass to your character
Faith Giebe - for your effervescence, teamwork, and "cheer"fulness
Carly Bernstein - for your winning smile
Shea Rathbun - for being such a trooper with long rehearsals, and bringing out your best at each
Lindsay Ackerman - for being such a compassionate person to all
Emily Stewart - for being so doggone cute and wonderful!
Laurence Duvall - for being a most wonderful crew member! I will miss your antics and crazy cat t-shirts!
Will Choi - for taking such good care of all of us
Ireland McCreadie - for your patience, your leadership, your enthusiasm
Anna Johnson - I can't imagine next year without you backstage - thank you for sharing your amazing creativity with us
Stephanie Forero - for being calm, cool, and collected in all you do
Brittany Ahn - for desmonstrating wonderful self-initiative and creativity
Bella Newell - for being such a rock star with this program! We, literally, would have not have had this program without your intelligence, hard work, and grace under pressure.