The Music Man - April 28 - April 30, 2022

Augusta Christian Schools


Scene 1: A Railway Coach, morning of July 4th, 1912
Rock Island  
Charlie Cowell, Travelling Salesmen
Scene 2: River City, Iowa
Iowa Stubborn  
Townspeople of River City
Ya Got Trouble  
Harold & Townspeople
Scene 3: A Street in Town
Scene 4: The Paroo House
Piano Lesson and If You Don't Mind My Saying So  
Marian, Mrs. Paroo, Amaryllis
Goodnight My Someone  
Marian, Amaryllis
Scene 5: Madison Gymnasium, July 4th
Columbia, Gem of the Ocean  
Eulalie & Townspeople
Ya Got Trouble (reprise)  
Seventy-Six Trombones  
Harold & Townspeople
Harold, Olin, Oliver, Ewart, Jacey
Scene 6: Outside Madison Library, immediately following
The Sadder But Wiser Girl for Me  
Harold, Marcellus
Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little  
Eulalie, Ladies of the Town
Goodnight Ladies  
Olin, Oliver, Ewart, Jacey
Scene 7: Madison Library, immediately following
Marian the Librarian  
Harold, Marian & Kids
Scene 8: A Street in Town, the following Saturday afternoon
Scene 9: Mayor Shinn's Front Door, that afternoon
Scene 10: The Paroo Porch, that evening
My White Knight  
Scene 11: Main Street in River City, noon the following Saturday
Wells Fargo Wagon  
Winthrop, Harold & Townspeople
Scene 1: Madison Gymnasium, evening the following Thursday
It's You  
Olin, Oliver, Ewart, Jacey
Marcellus, Ethel, Harold, Marian, Pick-a-Little Ladies & Kids

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