Annie Jr. - June 12 - June 13, 2013

Arturo Toscanini JHS 145

 Acknowledgements & Dedication 


First and foremost, we, the cast and crew of MS145's production of Annie Jr., would like to take this opportunity to dedicate our production to Mr. Robert Hannibal, Arturo Toscanini's newly retired principal and career long patron of the arts. Even in the face of opposition, naysayers and the establishment which has cut arts programs and budgets year after year...after year, Mr. Hannibal held an unwavering commitment to providing his school and its students with quality arts programming. Whether supporting the Mock Trial program, Bronx WRITeS Poetry Slam program or Arts Connection, or bringing in special events and programs like the African and Chinese Acrobats, Early Stages (Drumming, Double Dutch and Storytelling) over his tenure as Principal, Mr. Hannibal made it his mission to nourish our student’s spirit and character as well as their intellect, and for this commitment and his years of service to us, we are grateful.




We would also like to thank:


Arts Connection

Mr. Peter Avery

Mr. Lloyd Woodcock

Ms. Nelida Gonzalez

Mr. David McIntosh

Ms. Abigail Freeland

Ms. Ana Ramirez

Ms. Maria Martinez

Ms. Anabelle Pizarro

Ms. Marva Narvaez

Our School Safety Agents

Our Janitorial and Custodial Staff

The Homeroom and Classroom teachers of students we pulled from class for emergency rehearsals!


The Parents of our Super Star student performers who memorized lines and songs right along with their kids!


And to the family and friends of our cast and crew who all worked feverishly behind the scenes, driving us to stores and flea markets, buying props and sorting costumes, finding old wigs and dresses, painting scenery, singing our songs, dancing our dances and acting out parts while we were rehearsing!

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