Holy Cabooses! I hope you, as an audience member, are ready for a real treat.” Hello Dolly!” is a romantic, fun, witty and comical old fashion classic. It is a razzle dazzle music and dance show, filled with the glamor of 1890’s New York. I remember the show well when I was growing up. I saw the movie, starring Barbra Streisand, Michael Crawford, and Walter Matthau, with my parents. Barbara became my favorite actor and Walter, as a kid, I thought he was rolling on the floor funny. That is when I fell in love with musicals. It is important to introduce the new generation, to the history and glamor of the Gilded Age. When all actors were triple threats. That is acting, dance and voice for those not familiar. These marvelous shows of our past, show us how much has changed and how we still long for the same things. It is when every story is told, through incredible song and dance numbers. We all know all normal people start singing and dancing, during various times during the day. We have social media for proof!
By the way, you will forget the cast members are in grades K-12, as you settle into the show. The talent of these kids is superb. They are that good. Also, remember some of these kids, it is their first time being on stage. Others, I am sure you have seen many times and watched them grow into amazing young actors. The cast’s talent is cultivated by our amazing staff. They too are talented. Make sure if you see something you like on stage, tell that cast or staff member, after the show in the lobby. Tell their parents too. They too sacrificed for their child to do what they love. Do not forget all the volunteers’ behinds the scenes. Their creativity and hard work are beyond amazing with our limited budget. If you love seeing children participating in quality programing, keep buying tickets and tell others about Artstarts Company shows and programing. The lights are probably about to get dim now. I can brag all day. So, get ready! These kids are about to transform this theatre, into the Golden Age of Musicals. Enjoy the show!
Jennifer Blankenship
Artstarts Company Executive President