Tuck Everlasting - November 16 - November 17, 2018

Artios of Sugar Hill

 Director's Notes 

It has been observed that the reason for so much of our technological development and scientific advancement is much simpler to understand than the never-ending cycle of consumerism, comfort-seeking, and escapism that we often attribute it to. The much simpler end is that we advance in medicine and technology in order to cheat death. The escape of death has been the goal of myriad arenas of philosophy, science, and literature throughout history; and so, works like Natalie Babbitt’s award-winning novel Tuck Everlasting, that present the idea that the brevity of life could also be what makes it sweet and valuable, come as a refreshing and uplifting, if poignant, take on a very traditional narrative. The tunes in this musical adaptation of Babbitt’s novel by Claudia Shear and Tim Federle will be catchy, the dance will be lively, and the characters will (hopefully) be engaging; but that is not all that this beautiful musical has to offer. Herein is asked a sincere question: what makes a life meaningful? Is it longevity? Accomplishment? Riches? Relationship? Or is it merely the appreciation of the life itself, with all its valleys and mountaintops? Should you fill as many days as possible with as many great wonders and experiences as you can find, or is it true that “a life is the greatest wonder on earth”? We invite you to ask these questions with us as we travel the “two ways home down one long road” in Tuck Everlasting.


Ben Toler

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