Meg Ausband
as The Witch
Meg Ausband is 18 years old and a Senior in the Artios Conservatory. This is her 12th year at Artios and her 23rd theatrical production. Some of her favorite roles have included Marmee in Little Women and Esmerelda in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. This year she was the Artios Conservatory President and had the privilege of directing music for the elementary production of Aladdin Jr. Outside of Artios, she attends Classical Conversations, enjoys reading, organizing, serving on the worship team at church, eating Chinese food, and singing along to Ben Rector or show tunes in the car. Meg feels so blessed to be playing The Witch in tonight’s show and is so grateful for this opportunity. She would like to thank her parents, for their support, the cast, crew, and directors, for working tirelessly to make this show great, and her Heavenly Father for the opportunity to develop her gifts and talents for His glory in community with wonderful friends.
Dawson Beck
as Karl the Giant
Dawson is a senior at Artios. He has been attending for three years and has been involved in multiple Artios shows, as well as a few productions with other drama companies. Big Fish has quickly become one of his favorite musicals, and he’s very excited to be involved. He hopes you have fun, and hopes he doesn’t fall off his stilts.
Josh Beck
as Showdown & On the Road Ensemble
Josh is a sophomore at Artios. This is his 6th show at Artios, and his 3rd year as an actor. He has notably performed as Young Frankenstein’s Inspector Kemp and Launce from Two Gentlemen of Verona. He is very excited to be working with the cast and crew of Big Fish, and wishes you a wonderful viewing experience.
Naomi Blankemeyer
as Townsperson, Red White and True Ensemble, Forest Animal
Naomi Blankemeyer is a a junior, and she enjoys doing competitive cheerleading. This is her 4th year at Artios. Her favorite musical that she has performed with Artios is The Little Mermaid. She hopes you enjoy the show!