To My Family: Chris Godsey, you and I make a great team. Thanks for ALWAYS having my back. You are an excellent “executive producer.” Caroline, thanks for allowing your mommy to be “always doing drama.” Your days on the stage are coming! Starting to see you SHINE already baby girl!
To Mr. Hawkins: We did it again! Thanks for your leadership and unfailing support.
To Ms. Newton: Where do I begin? When my voice failed me this year, you just THOUGHT you would just be helping with a little singing. Thank you for jumping in. This production would not have been possible without your vision and creative ideas. The kids love you and so do I!
To Mrs. Stewart: You left a hole! But we are so thankful for your faithfulness to get us up to par before leaving to follow your family. Always know that your drama family loves you!
To Mr. Mitchell: Thank you for living through this year with us. I am so thankful for your leadership and your willingness to do whatever have to be done to get the job finished. I am smiling!
To Mrs. Burns: Your talent amazes us all as you set the perfect visual tone!
To Miss Taylor Davis: You are amazing! Hardest working lady in the show. Thank you for being my brain and my hands this year. (What will I do without you next year?)
To My Fellow Teachers and the AMS Admin Team: Thank you for supporting OUR kids and OUR drama program. Don’t you love seeing all these rising stars? (Special thanks to the 8th grade teachers who cheered me on every morning as I would make my way to class with my “drama cart” and all my stuff. You will be very happy to know that there will no longer be kids singing every morning in our hallway, and a life-size elephant in my room.)
To My Cast and Crew: Thank you for allowing me to be “YOUR DIRECTOR.” We accomplished so much this year, experiencing this “whole new world” together. I am proud of each and every one of you. I expect at least a shout out when you go to accept your Tony or Oscar award one day.
To the Drama Parents: Thank YOU for early morning drop offs and late pick-ups, for practicing lines and songs, for volunteering, and for reading ALL the texts.
To my 8th Grade Drama Kids: WOW! Where did the time go? You are ready for high school THEATRE! I know you will make me proud.
To my 7th and 6th Graders: Next year will be bigger and better. I can’t wait to see who among you SHINES with leadership on and off the stage. You are our future. And our future looks very bright!