Little Shop of Horrors - April 04 - April 06, 2019

Arlington High School

 Acknowledgements and Director's Note 

Special Thanks to the following:


Arlington Community Schools & AHS Administration, Faculty, and Staff


The Friends of Theatre (FOT) 

for organizing meals, assisting with Front of House, 

and their wonderful support!


Parents, family, and friends for their work behind the scenes.


Elizabeth Acton and Katrina Leggett for their original artwork used in our production materials.


Journey & Marney Cost, for their time 

and construction expertise and guidance!




I am truly amazed at the talent and dedication of our Arlington High School students! Words cannot adequately express how blessed I feel to work with these wonderful and wacky kiddos.


From auditions and callbacks in December, to weekly rehearsals, to tech/build nights and weekends, we have definitely put in the hours! Now that we have finally reached show time, we can see all of our hard work come to fruition. It is so rewarding to watch these young men and women transition from mere line-readers to budding actors and actresses. When I see the character development that occurs both on and off stage,I cannot help but shed a few tears.


As with any production of this scale, we have had our ups and downs, and I know I have been tough on them, but it is my prayer that each and every student has made memories that will last him or her a lifetime. I hope they have learned that President Roosevelt had it right when he proclaimed, “…the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” I trust that each student has found this to be “work worth doing.”


It is my sincere hope that each cast and crew member has cultivated new friendships that will stand the test of time.


I am truly blessed to have this opportunity to work with such a great cast and crew, and I am so proud of all we have accomplished together.


Wishing you much love and success as you “feed” your own hopes and dreams for the future,



Cynthia Wieland

AHS Theatre Director



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