The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - November 08 - November 10, 2019

Andrean High School

 End Notes 

Note from the Director: 


I am extremely proud of the students and adults that have put their heart and soul into making "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" a success. This is my first fall show at Andrean and I am still learning the ropes and everything that goes into a straight play in the first semester of school. Let me tell you, it's hard; the students' schedules, the sports team who need to use the gym, and losing practically everything in a summer because things were moved around! Yes, I'm stressed, but honestly, it makes it all worth it when I see the curtains open and the students perform. 


I want to thank a couple people for keeping me sane:


- To Bob Cooley, because if it wasn't for you we would have no sets and be performing in the dark with terrible front lighting. Thank you for stepping up because of my basic knowledge of tech theatre. I appreciate you! 


- To Megan Schmidt and the Andrean Art Club, for spraying so much glitter spray paint that I had to go out and buy 10 cans, but making an incredible sleigh and all the decorations.


- To Jeff Sanford, for letting slip that he was in charge of a theatre company in Texas so I immediately swooped in and asked him to help with the play. We wouldn't have an amazing stone table, sleigh, or flash pot if not for you.


- To Lynn Pezel, for really putting 110% into concessions and helping me out so much! 


-To Heidi Pampalone, for being at set build LITERALLY EVERY DAY YOU CAN and being the best volunteer under the sun! 


- To my family and Matt, for always, Always, ALWAYS supporting me and keeping me calm and sane, even though I truly am not.  


- To Amanda Grove, dangit I love you and thanks for keeping me super sane! I'm glad I have someone who can balance me out regarding the stress that is being a theatre director.


- To my students, who I love dearly, but also want to strangle sometimes; moreso the first comment. You guys make the shows fun, worthwhile, and rewarding. This wouldn't be possible without your love and dedication to theatre.  


- To all the volunteers, patrons, and audience members who make this production possible! 





                                                     Ms. B




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