Season's Greetings to each of you!
I greet you with the joy that comes from knowing Jesus.
I pray that you are experiencing the joy of this season. Oftentimes we blur the line between joy and happiness. The reality is happiness is dependent upon circumstances. Our circumstances determine whether we're happy or sad. Some things make us happy. Some things make us sad. Our circumstances determine happiness or sadness.
But joy is different in that joy is not tied to our circumstances. Joy can be described as the state of delight or bliss. Joy is a way of life. Joy is an attitude.
There is a song that many of us learned as children and it goes, "I've got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, I've got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay." We can remain joyful in all situations, whether they are happy or sad, because of the promise of the anointed one.
Today, we have the pleasure of being reminded of the joy that Christ brings at Christmas. In the debut production of Christmas at Gramma's, we celebrate the joy that the birth of Christ brings from the perspective of our children and youth. We will laugh, learn and feel the love of Christ.
Thank you to our aspiring playwright, Akeil Davis, who has done a wonderful job preparing the children and youth for this production. Thanks to those who have assisted him in preparation for this production. A hearty thanks to the children and youth who have spent countless hours rehearsing and preparing for this their debut production.
Sit back and enjoy as we are reminded that our life, hope and joy are found in Christ.
Rev. Jeffery Thompson, Pastor