I would like to acknowledge the following people who have generously contributed to bringing CANNED GOODS to life: James Vagias, who selected the play for readings and has championed it at every stage of its development, Margot Astrachan, a theater legend and amazing mentor; Larry Levien, who has worked tirelessly to put together a first tier production team, Jennifer Ardizzone-West, a mentor and generous guide, Charlotte Cohn, for her direction, friendship and excellent vision, Joe Langworth, a thoughtful and smart dramaturg and friend, Mary Beth Wilmet and Linda Block, who believed in the play from the beginning and have been incredibly supportive, Orin Wolf for his support, Evan Bernardin, who has done more for this play as as general manager than I could have hoped, Jason Baruch for his legal skill, Max Grossman who has guided me with precision, Michael Cassara’s thoughtful casting and Shelby Zimmerman for her casting insights, Drew Noorily, who created graphics and provided fantastic advice, friendship and support, Cliff Rubin who created the perfect website. Thanks to the amazing cast who brought the show to life, Kenneth King, Simon Feil, Steven Rattazzi, Dalton Gorden, Richard Hollis, and Jason Williams and the fantastic production team of Ant Ma, Saawan Tiwari, Doug Macur, Robert Gonyo, Natalie Jones, Kayla Justnes, Ben Merrick and Cat Murphy. Those who read the play and made helpful suggestions, including Daniel Kahn, Michael Gips, Peter Bordanaro, Margot Astrachan, Larry Levien, Lucy Kahn, Pryor Kahn and Avery Kahn, all those who generously supported and invested in the play, Jon Moses and Abby Moses, Linda Block, Scott Widmeyer and Alan Yount, Seth Finkel and Debra Finkel, Daniel Kahn, Karin Kahn and Jay Lebed, Jane Batkin and Alan Batkin, Stuart Noorily and Marilyn Katz, Adam Gilbert and Susan Gilbert, Rodney Hollifield and Charlene Day, Martin Gross and the Martin Gross Foundation, Matt Golub and Barbara Golub, Daniel and Jean Yun, the Sandy Family Foundation, Colin Mitchell and Heidi Mitchell, Michael Cafagno, Don Bell and Amsler Bell, Josh Levinson and Sara Levinson, and David Younger.
Finally, my deepest thanks and gratitude goes to Katharine Kahn, my wife, who has offered advice, guidance, support, excitement and love throughout the process of taking an idea and bringing it to the stage.
Erik Kahn
May, 2024
Bergen Record Theater Critic 1982-2017