Special Thanks to:
AHS Administration, AHS Faculty & Staff,
AHS Drama Club for stage crew, make-up & ushering
The Book Center
Shannon Warner & Dixon Dance Studio
Robert Courtney, Paul Chiarenza, Rod Horning
Reid Smith, Kathie Smith
Larry Jackson, Brian White, & AHS Band
Mr. Brian Plitnik
Mrs. Betsey Schwab, Rabbi Mark Purnam
Mr. Chris McCabe, CEM1 Productions
Laurie Clem & Potomac State College
Mrs. Julie Courtney, Mrs. Barb Horning
Suzanne Keith, William & Alleine Courtney, Martha Schadt
Braddock M.S. Drama Department
Kathy Ludwick, Danise Whitlock
Final Touch, Skylar Spence, William Baxter
David & Beth Reed, Michael & Amie Chronister, Jill Keith,
Baxter's Gourmet Catering, Barth Jr. & Shannon Frankenberry, Linda Warnick,
Karissa Johnson, Amy Adams, Mike & Sue Records, John & Renae Holt,
Cynthia Snyder, Laura McKenzie, Debbie Lutz, Kerry Shoemaker, & Cari Moore
Jose Sanabria, Melissa Blubaugh,
Mary and Makenna Filleti,
& all parents that helped make this production possible!
Drama Club Officers:
President- Denise Adams
Vice President- Nicholas Warnick
Secretary- Delanie Blubaugh
Treasurer- William Baxter
Historian- Rylan Lutz