Crumel Lee Mooring - November 11

All About One LLC



First and foremost, God needs to be thanked and glorified for His vision, His Power and His Strength. God continues to stretch us beyond our comfort zone in order to show us what can truly be done by giving it all to Him. It results in a journey full of discovery, joy and growth.



To my loving wife, Ally, thank you for your support during this process. Thank you for praying for me, encouraging me, and taking care of me. Thank you for those long days of troubleshooting, brainstorming, sourcing materials, listening to my ideas, and editing/proof reading. And not complaining!



To Bishop Leonard Lacey, thank you for believing in this project, supporting our ideas, providing resources, praying for us and providing consistent words of encouragement. Thank you for always having a listening ear and an open door. Your mentorship has been invaluable. Thank you!



Thank you Pastor Richard Davis. From our first project collaboration, you saw the potential in All About One Productions. You felt confident enough to attach your personal name, brand, and reputation to its products. Thank you for helping to craft the story and production we have delivered. 



To Apostle Larry Brown, thank you for your contribution, encouragement, prayers, friendship, mentorship and love. Thank you for always being available for our family. 



A thank you is warranted for our sponsors, vendors, early ticket buyers, AAO members and volunteers. Giving your time and/or money means you saw fit to give us your stamp of approval.



Thank-you to Colonial Forge and their administrative staff for their hospitality, prompt response time and open communication.



To the amazing, talented, dedicated, hilarious, and loving cast and crew, thank you! Thank-you for believing in this ministry. Thank-you for bringing your best. Thank-you for your commitment. Thank you for your edits, input, and improvisation. You coming along side of us during this journey shows that you believe that this ministry checks the box for the mission that we are all here to accomplish. That is to uplift God and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations.



My prayer is that this is just the beginning! The beginning of a revolutionary time where non-traditional ministry will lead millions of souls to Christ!



Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!




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