Spamalot Young@part - August 15 - August 24, 2024

Agape Theater Company


King Arthur's Song  
King Arthur, Patsy
He Is Not Dead Yet  
Man, Lance, Robin, Bodies
Come With Me  
The Lady of the Lake
Laker Girls  
King Arthur, Patsy, The Laker Girls
The Song That Goes Like This  
Sir Galahad, The Lady of the Lake
Knights of the Round Table  
King Arthur, Patsy and his Knights, The Lady of the Lake, The Camelot Dancers
Find Your Grail  
The Lady of the Lake, King Arthur, Patsy, Robin, Lancelot, Galahad, Bedevere, Knights, Grail Girls
Run Away  
The Taunter, French Guards, King Arthur, Patsy, Robin, Lancelot, Galahad, Bedevere, French Citizens
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life  
Patsy, King Arthur, Knights, The Knights Of Ni
Brave Sir Robin  
Sir Robin and his Minstrels
The Diva's Lament  
The Lady of the Lake
I'm All Alone  
King Arthur, Patsy, Knights
The Song That Goes Like This (Reprise)  
Lady of the Lake, King Arthur
Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life (Reprise)  
The Company
The Company


Our Special Thanks to:


Special Thanks also to Theatrical Rights Worldwide for allowing our college-age actors to be part of this production.

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