Annie - December 07 - December 09, 2018

Actors United









To Our “Annie”Cast and Crew—





Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you! Thank you for your time, your enthusiasm and your energy!   I have loved every part of working with you.  Truthfully, it hasn’t been work at all---it’s been so much fun!  And so rewarding!  Each one of you has contributed to this musical in so many ways and I couldn’t be more pleased with our final product!   Lights, sound, singing, acting, making sets, moving props, organizing people, selling tickets, distributing posters, playing instruments –you have taken pride in it all and have done such amazing work!   It has been awesome to say the least!   You are a very special group of individuals and we have quickly become an “Annie” family.  Thanks for an unforgettable journey! 






                 Colleen (Mrs. Weimer)   



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