A note from the Director...
In the ATC Repertory Company's decision to tackle the enormously textured, demanding musical Les Miserables based on the famous novel by Victor Hugo, enormous challenges were sure to be presented. The Broadway production is known for its lavish costumes, 24 piece orchestra and revolving sets expanding across enormous stages making it a spectacle and feast for the eyes. The cast is usually populated by the best of the best classical singers that compete ferociously to obtain the privilege of working on this material.
If you are reading this, you are sitting in a 140 or so seat movie theatre most likely munching on popcorn, the smell of which permeates the air as you enter this 100 year old building. You are about to see a company made up of talented young actors ranging from 11 to 18 on a postage stamp sized stage, hardly the advantages of facility, finances, or years of training of the Broadway stages. Yet the demands to come up to the material placed on these young artists is just the same.
As Les Miserables is the last show of our season it should be said in writing how enormously dedicated, talented and respectful of art these young actors in the Repertory Company are. They have poured their heart and souls into personalizing Hugo's themes of sin and redemption, injustices of social class, and most importantly, the "fight for the right to be free." Free? Free from what? What are the personal chains that bind us all? They have had to dig down within their own lives to answer this and many more important questions in order to bring life to this glorious material.
So with pride and gratitude, for the privilege to work with these brave, beautiful young actors, and as an united company, we thank you for supporting us and we proudly present the ATC Repertory Company's production of Les Miserables.
Janet Louer
Artistic Director
ATC Repertory company